Instructions for creating a request file in CSV format: Data field description: TransactionID,PolicyNumber,VIN,PolicyholderPhoneNumber,PolicyholderFirstName,PolicyholderLastName,PolicyholderState,PolicyholderZip,Lender1ClientID,Lender1Name,Lender1Address1,Lender1Address2,Lender1City,Lender1State,Lender1Zip,Lender1InterestType,Lender2ClientID,Lender2Name,Lender2Address1,Lender2Address2,Lender2City,Lender2State,Lender2Zip,Lender2InterestType,Lender3ClientID,Lender3Name,Lender3Address1,Lender3Address2,Lender3City,Lender3State,Lender3Zip,Lender3InterestType,Lender4ClientID,Lender4Name,Lender4Address1,Lender4Address2,Lender4City,Lender4State,Lender4Zip,Lender4InterestType,Lender5ClientID,Lender5Name,Lender5Address1,Lender5Address2,Lender5City,Lender5State,Lender5Zip,Lender5InterestType,Lender6ClientID,Lender6Name,Lender6Address1,Lender6Address2,Lender6City,Lender6State,Lender6Zip,Lender6InterestType Example with single Lender: 22222,,12345,2223334444,John,Doe,VA,12345,A0BC1D23CDE4FGHI567J,ABC Bank,123 Main Street,,New York,NY,55555-1111,LEN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Example with multiple Lenders: 3232,023456789,9876,,,,,,A0BC1D23CDE4FGHI567J,Credit Institute,890 Spring Ave,,Macon,GA,66666-2222,AIN,A0BC1D23CDE4FGHI567J,Well Financial,456 Key Road,,Rockville,MD,66666-2222,LHAI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Notes: - A CSV file can be created using a text editor. You MUST save the request file with the ".csv" file extension. - No commas should be used in Lienholder or Lessor names, policyholder names, or street address fields. - TransactionID is a unique record reference number you can use to identify a specific request. This field is optional. - GEICO policy number MUST contain 10 digits. - Please provide the last 4 or 5 digits of the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN). - If you do not have a policy number, please provide the following available policy information: Policyholder's Home Phone Number OR First Name, Last Name, State, AND Zip code. - Policyholder zip code is normally 5 digits. - Each vehicle is allowed to have a maximum of 3 Lienholders and 3 Lessors. - Lender Zip code MUST be 9 digits in the format of "12345-1234". - If you provide information about one or more lender, you must specify lender interest type. - The lender interest type must be one of the following: "LEN" (lienholder) "AIN" (lessor) "LHAI" (both) - If Client ID is not present, the transaction will search by client name and address. If the client name and address fields are invalid, the transaction will fail.