

Upload Center Help

  • What is the Upload Center?

    The Upload Center is an application that provides multiple policy verification and update capability in a single transaction for Lienholders and Lessors.

    How many files can I upload?

    A maximum number of 10 files may be uploaded per day.

    What kind of files can I upload?

    We accept the following file formats: .xml and .csv.

    What is the maximum file size I can upload?

    Each file can be a maximum of 500 KB.  Hovewer, we recommend no more than 1000 requests per file.

    How do I check the size of my file?

    Before uploading your file, please review the file format and size. You can check the file format and size by right-clicking on the file and selecting "Properties."

    How do I decrease the size of my file?

    If your file size exceeds the maximum 500 KB, you can separate the file into two or more files.

    I received a message that you cannot accept my file, what do I do now?

    The most common reason that a file is not accepted is due to the detection of an invalid format, oversized file, or a virus within the file. Please correct the error and try to upload it again.

    What happens once I submit my uploaded file?

    After you upload your files, you can check the Transaction History and the details of the processed files. If an uploaded file is not processed properly, please correct the error and upload the file again. A transaction report will be available within 24 hours after a file is successfully processed. The report will be in both .xml and .csv format for you to download.

    Report XML Schema      Sample XML Report      Sample CSV Report

    How do I receive an email notifying me of my request status?

    To receive an email notification check the following box on the "Upload Center" page: "Check this box if you would like to receive an email about the status of your request."

  • Instructions for Preparing Request Files

    • To protect policyholder’s privacy, do not send personal information such as driver license numbers, Social Security numbers, or dates of birth in files selected for upload. Once a file is uploaded it becomes part of GEICO’s permanent records.

    • Before attempting to upload your file, please review the file format and size. The file format and size can be checked by right-clicking on the file and selecting "Properties.”

    • We accept the following file formats: .xml and .csv. Please use the templates provided below:
      Request XML Schema       Request XML Template       Request CSV Instructions       Request CSV Template

    • Each file can be a maximum of 500 KB.

    • Uploads are limited to 10 files per day.

    • Please provide the following Lienholder and/or Lessor information for each vehicle in your request file:

            Lienholder and/or Lessor name

            Lienholder and/or Lessor address

            Lienholder and/or Lessor city

            Lienholder and/or Lessor state

            Lienholder and/or Lessor 9 digit ZIP code.

    • Please note that the multiple-request submission function only handles verifications, additions, and updates of Lienholders and/or Lessors on a policy.

    • Each vehicle is allowed to have a maximum of 3 Lienholders and 3 Lessors.

    • Commas should never be used in the file information being submitted. If a comma is found within a CSV file, the file will be considered invalid and not be processed.

    • The following special characters cannot be used in normal XML strings:
            1.  &– If the lender name contains an ampersand, please use &
            2.  " – If the lender name contains double quotation marks, please use "
            3.  '   – If the lender name contains single quotation marks, please use '
      Invalid XML String: <Name>ABC BANK & TRUST</Name>
      Valid XML String: <Name>ABC BANK &amp; TRUST</Name>

    • Lienholder and/or Lessor ZIP codes should always contain 9 digits in a format of 12345-1234.

    • The following fields are required:
            1. Transaction ID: A unique record reference number used to identify a specific request.
                 You have the ability to create your own transaction ID.
                 If a transaction ID is not provided for the request, our system will generate a transaction ID for you once the request file is uploaded.
                 The transaction ID should contain a maximum of 30 characters.
            2. Last 4 or 5 digits of Vehicle Identification Number (VIN).
            3. 10 digit GEICO policy number.   If you do not have a policy number, please provide the following:
                    Policyholder home phone number or
                    Policyholder first and last name and
                    Policyholder state and
                    Policyholder ZIP code
                  The more information entered, the more likely the policy number will be found.
            4. Lender interest type: The lender interest type must always be provided.
                    LEN if the lender is a Lienholder
                    AIN if the lender is a Lessor
                    LHAI if the lender is both Lienholder and Lessor

  • Error Descriptions

    1. A maximum number of 10 files can be uploaded per day. This message appears if you have uploaded or selected to upload more than 10 files. A maximum of 10 files may be uploaded per day.

    2. The file File Path has already been added to file list. You are trying to select a file that has already been selected for uploading.

    3. The file File Path has already been uploaded. You cannot upload more than one file with the same name more than once during a 24 hour period.

    4. Maximum File size exceeded. Each file must be 500 KB or less. The size of each uploaded file can be a maximum of 500 kilobytes.

    5. Invalid file, no content . You are trying to upload a file that has no content.

    6. Invalid file type: File Path. You have submitted an invalid file type. We only accept the following file formats: .xml and .csv.

    7. Virus found in uploaded file: File Path . A possible virus is found in the file you are trying to upload. The file will not be uploaded.

    8. No file selected from file list. To remove a file from file list, you must select the file from file list first.

    9. Please check box above to confirm that you have read the instructions and agree with Upload Center Terms of Use. This message appears when you try to upload files without checking the box that confirms you have read the instructions and agree with Upload Center Terms of Use.

    10. Before submitting, you must add file(s) to the file list. You are trying to click submit button without selecting files to upload.

    11. Invalid policy number: Policy Number. The policy number provided in your request is not a valid GEICO policy number.

    12. Invalid VIN: VIN. The VIN in your request is invalid.

    13. Missing policyholder information: first / last name. You did not provide a policy number in your request, nor did you provide policyholder's first / last name that allows us to find the policy information.

    14. Missing or invalid policyholder information: state / ZIP. You did not provide a policy number in your request, nor did you provide policyholder's state / ZIP that allows us to find the policy information.

    15. Policy number not provided. You did not provide a policy number in your request, nor did you provide policyholder's phone number or first name, last name, state, and ZIP code which would allow us to find the policy information.

    16. Invalid phone number. The policyholder's phone number in your request is invalid.

    17. Missing lender name / address / city / state / ZIP. In your request, a Lienholder and/or Lessor name, address, city, state, and/or ZIP is missing.

    18. Invalid lender state / ZIP. In your request, a lender's state or ZIP is invalid.

    19. Invalid lender interest type. The Lender interest type provided in your request is invalid.
      Note: The lender interest type must be one of the following:
                  LEN (Lienholder)
                  AIN (Lessor)
                  LHAI (Both)

    20. Policy not found. Our system is unable to locate a policy with the policy number and/or policy information provided in your request.

    21. Vehicle not found . No vehicle, with the given VIN, is found on the policy.

    22. This policy / vehicle is not active as of xx/xx/xxxx. We are unable to process your request because the policy and/or vehicle is not active.

    23. Vehicle does not carry Comprehensive and/or Collision coverage(s). We are unable to add a Lienholder to a vehicle that does not carry Comprehensive and/or Collision coverage(s).

    24. Vehicle does not carry Bodily Injury and/or Property Damage coverage(s). We are unable to add a Lessor to a vehicle that does not carry Bodily Injury and/or Property Damage coverage(s).

    25. Manual. This request is not able to be updated automatically but has been sent to a GEICO Lienholder Specialist for handling. Processing usually takes 30 min to 1 hour if submitted during normal business hours.

    26. No request contained in this file. You have uploaded a file that contains no request.

    27. Invalid number of fields in csv file, line = Line Number. The csv file you uploaded has invalid number of fields at the given line. Please review the indicated line number and correct. Then resubmit this file after 24 hours for processing.

    28. Cannot have more than 3 lienholders / lessors. Please resubmit the request with at most 3 lienholders / lessors.. Each vehicle can have at most 3 lienholders and 3 lessors. Please resubmit your request with at most 3 lienholders / lessors.

    29. Lessor interest type is not allowed to add lienholder.The user interest type submitting files is designated as lessor only, to add a lienholder the designation must include both lienholder and lessor. To update your company’s designation, please submit a request via the “Account Assistance” link.

    30. Lienholder interest type is not allowed to add lessor.The user interest type submitting files is designated as lienholder only, to add a lessor the designation must include both lienholder and lessor. To update your company’s designation, please submit a request via the “Account Assistance” link.

    31. System Error: Failed to update policy lender info. Please resubmit this request later. We failed to process your request due to a temporary system error. Please resubmit this request after 24 hours.

    32. This Operation has Timed Out. We failed to process your request due to a temporary system error. Please resubmit this request after 24 hours.

    33. System Could Not Process Your Request. We failed to process your request due to a temporary system error. Please resubmit this request after 24 hours.

    34. Thread Being Aborted. We failed to process your request due to a temporary system error. Please resubmit this request after 24 hours.

    35. Other Error Messages: It is possible for you to receive additional error messages, which are typically caused by unexpected system failures. Please resubmit these requests after 24 hours, and these error messages should disappear.

  • Note:  Please contact us via the “Account Assistance” link if you have any additional questions regarding errors or Multiple Request Uploads.